Sunday 29 June 2014


Dear Kill Shelters;

    We at  RAISE UR PAW have one important message that we hope you will take a moment to think about before you end another innocent being’s life... 

“Imagine how you would feel if you were given just 24 hours or more to find a home to live the rest of your life,  or you would be killed... murdered because so many seen you as unwanted, unloved and unseen..would you still feel the same way as you do now? Would you look into the eyes of such innocence and love and still use the methods of killing them?

     I am sure that many wouldn’t.  But you all don’t have to face that fate, to have someone hold your life within their hands, to watch the clock tick away until it is time that your life is stolen ,  with only the fear, sadness and loss of hope and faith- the only emotions going through your mind as you give up your last breath....

    This is the big problem that exists in these KILL FACILITIES around the world – these shelters that should be known as mere rest stops for life before moving on to loving homes and families are nothing more  than final resting places for those who didn’t get that chance...

     So many of your shelters are often filled to capacity, and instead of giving these animals a chance to find a home and family, many are only given just 24 hours before they are euthanized – and not all of them are sick or aggressive – No, because many are just taking up time and space in an establishment that is meant to provide these babies a safe place to stay until they find that special place and person..

     How can such places exist? And how can so many turn away and permit such places to do these acts – would we not stand united and fight with every inch of ourselves if this was occurring in orphanages etc...  What makes this alright  for you to kill animals, when all they need is to find their forever... and taking their lives is robbing them of that ... Just because a being has been turned away from, forgotten, alone... doesn’t give us the right to kill them – and so many of the world needs to realize this.

    It is certainly a disgrace on humanity, when we care so less for life that we would rather put it to death, then to take the time to be compassionate and respectful to them, to look into their eyes and instead of seeing life that deserves to live, we see an outcast that should be disposed of... and that is heartbreaking  and sad... to punish innocent life for outcomes  that they had no control over, that they are punished for the acts of humanity and those that they trusted and loved...

Please GO NO KILL – don’t turn away and ignore like so many others have done – listen to these babies’ pleas and cries and take that moment to look into their eyes and say “I AM YOUR HOPE”...

Thank You

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